Contact Us

Dial 911 in an Emergency

An emergency is a life threatening situation, crime or incident in progress. If in question dial 911.


Non-Emergency Phone Number

For Non-Emergency calls contact Dispatch at 207-945-4636. They know the status of the Deputy on duty and have radio contact with them to advise them of any complaints or phone calls.


Penobscot Regional Communications Center

Call: 207-945-4636

Remember when calling the Town Office, they can only leave a message for a Deputy when or if they return back to the office. They do not have direct contact with the Deputy to advise them of your call.  Please contact P.R.C.C. at 207-945-4636.


Records Division

Call: 207-947-4585

The Records Division manages all of the data and police investigative reports.  If you are requesting a copy of a police report or accident report, you may contact the Records Division at the Penobscot County Sheriff’s Office at 207-947-4585.  Please keep in mind that there are fees for all reports.  Accident reports can also be accessed online at


Sex Offender Registry Fingerprints/Enrollment

Please contact Sgt. Rose Mannette at 207-947-4585 to schedule an appointment.


More General Information: