Hermon Town Charter Review Ad Hoc Committee

The Hermon Town Charter Review Ad Hoc Committee was established for the purpose of reviewing the Town’s Charter to provide guidance and recommendations for the updates of Article IV (Town Manger Section), Article VI (RSU agreement) and Article VIII (School Validation Vote). Charter Review Committee meets every Wednesday at 6pm in the Public Safety meeting room at 333 Billings Rd, Hermon. 

Charter Amendment Public Notice

Hermon Town Charter Review Ad Hoc Committee Resolve

The Committee consists of the Town Manager and:

Two members of the Town Council, Richard Cyr and Christopher Gray

Two members of the School Committee, Stephanie Oiler and Brian Veneziano

Five Hermon Citizens, Richard Burgess, Ed Ford, Charles Hillman, Kim Nichols, John Lorenz

Hermon Town Charter

To watch a Charter Review Committee meeting live click this link: Live Meeting Zoom

All meetings are recorded and shared below.

April 3rd, 2024Video
April 10th ,2024Video
April 17th, 2024Video
April 24th, 2024Video
May 1st, 2024VideoAgenda
May 8th, 2024VideoAgenda
May 22nd, 2024Agenda
June 5th, 2024VideoAgenda
June 12th, 2024VideoAgenda