
Here in Hermon, we take a team approach to almost everything, and at the top of that list is our departments working together to help both our residents and businesses. We are proud of our talented and experienced Department Heads and all of our employees, and in turn, they are proud of the Town in which they work.
Not sure which department you need to talk to? Submit a question or comment and we’ll make sure it gets to the right department!
Department phone number
Assessing (207)-848-1010 – Press 1
Animal Control (207)- 848-1010 – Press 2
Code Enforcement (207) 848-1010 – Press 4
Economic & Community Development (207)- 848-1010 – Press 5
Finance (207)-848-1010 – Press 6
Fire (207)-848-1010 – Press 7
Parks & Recreation (207) 848-8014
Penobscot County Sheriff’s Department (207)-945-4636
Public Works (207)- 848-1010 – Press 8
Taxes & Tax Collector (207)-848-1010
Town Clerk (207)-848-1010 – Press 3

Rylee Cushman
Phone: 207-848-1044
Email: Assessor@HermonMaine.Gov
Mission Statement
The Town’s Assessor is charged by State law with discovering, describing, and valuing property, as well as the ownership of that property, for the purpose of taxation. Annually, the Assessor prepares a list of these properties and commits the assessments to the Town Tax Collector for collection. The records compiled by the Assessor are made available for public inspection at the Town Office. The Assessing Office then reports to the Maine Revenue Services – Property Tax Division regarding its activities for the year.
2024 Assessment Information
Fiscal Year: July 1st, 2024, to June 30th, 2025 (FY25)
Assessment Date: April 1st, 2024
Commitment Date: September 30th, 2024
Tax Due Date: April 1st, 2025
Certified Ratio: 99%
Current Tax Rate: $10.90 per $1,000 of Valuation
Appeal Deadline: Thursday April 3rd, 2025 (185 Days After Commitment)
Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement Officer : Jessefa Murphy
Phone: (207) 848-1042
Fax: (207) 848-3316
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.
About the Code Enforcement Office
The Code Enforcement Office is responsible for encouraging safe and sound development within the residential, commercial and industrial growth areas. The department along with the Planning Board assists in the development, maintenance, and enactment of the Town’s plans for development. The Code Enforcement Officer provides assistance with all aspects of development and building. It is the goal of this office to guide people through the maze of federal, state, and local rules/regulations.
Please keep in mind when undertaking a project, call us for property setbacks and whatever permitting may be necessary. If the property permitting and setbacks are not met the outcome could cost a lot more than a phone call…
Always remember when working in or around the Shoreland area additional approval and permits may be needed through the Department of Environmental Protection or the Army Corp of Engineers. Check with the CEO or local DEP Office for guidance.
Also, before a new or renovated structure can be occupied a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued by the Hermon Code Enforcement Officer.
Effective January 1, 2022:
- Battery, plugged into an electrical outlet or hard wired Fuel Gas Detectors (These ARE NOT the same device as a Carbon Monoxide detector and will not replace the need for those within buildings in Maine)
Fuel gas detector required. The building owner shall install, or cause to be installed, in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements at least one approved fuel gas detector in every room containing an appliance fueled by propane, natural gas or any liquified petroleum gas in:
- A. Each unit in any building of multifamily occupancy
B. A fraternity house, sorority house or dormitory that is affiliated with an educational facility
C. A children’s home, emergency children’s shelter, children’s residential care facility, shelter for homeless children or specialized children’s home.
D. A hotel, motel or inn
E. A mixed use occupancy that contains a dwelling unit
F. A business occupancy
G. A mercantile occupancy
H. An assembly occupancy
Click here for more information:
Economic & Community Development
Hermon Intersection Project 2016

Scott Perkins, Director
Economic & Community Development
voice 207-848-1010
cell 207- 852-2403
Giving Business the Edge!
Mission Statement
Hermon is a growing community made up of young families, educated professionals, business owners and long term residents that anchor our Town. Hermon experiences a quality workforce available locally and regionally due to our unique geographical advantage. Our Town offers some of the best locations for business regionally. Multiple transportation options include the Interstate system, Bangor International Airport and Railway service extending from Canada to Searsport.
An exceedingly low tax rate is common in Hermon with rates often times half as much as neighboring communities. These supports have created a strong local business base that takes advantage of the qualities that a well planned community can provide.
Hermon provides an extremely high quality of life for families of all ages. The Town is a State wide leader concerning the delivery of quality municipal and business services. Hermon offers good recreational opportunities and strong support for its schools. An identified strength for Hermon remains its ability to encourage commercial growth in areas that do not interfere with its suburban and rural appeal.
With responsive administrative leaders, quality educational opportunities and public safety resources that exceed most communities our size, Hermon is a complete package for any business owner looking for excellence in municipal service and steady positive growth for its bottom
Fire Department
Fire Department
The words INTEGRITY, PRIDE, COMMITMENT, AND TRADITION are the backbone of the Hermon Fire Department. With its mission to preserve life and property through the suppression of fires both structural and wildland, public fire education, code enforcement, response to hazardous materials incidents, Ice and cold water rescue operations, Emergency Medical First Response and emergency response to all natural and manmade disasters, the Hermon Fire Department is always ready at a moment’s notice.
Established in 1949 as a volunteer fire department by Chief Charles Smith Jr., the mission of the Hermon Fire Department has greatly expanded.
Hermon, a now well established bedroom community to the City of Bangor, and named one of the ten fastest-growing towns in Maine, has a well organized combination Fire Department under the direction of Chief Cody Sullivan. The Department operates with five pieces of fire apparatus, a fulltime Fire Chief, full-time Firefighter/EMT, and 25 paid-call members. The department responds to an average of 300 calls for service annually, providing service to the town’s roughly 6,500 citizens.
As a reminder, the Fire Department is a combination department providing day time coverage Monday through Friday 7 am to 5 pm. Someone is not always in the station, especially at night or on the weekends. If you have an emergency please call 911.
Check us out and Like us on Facebook Town of Hermon Fire Department.
Finance Office
Welcome to the Finance Department! Our department is responsible for purchasing, payroll, investments, and basically all other financial issues facing our community. Please take the time to review the information we have on the site, especially our Annual Audits. If you need more information do not hesitate to contact us.

Rebecca Wilber
Finance Assistant
Phone: 207-848-1045
Parks & Recreation Department
Parks & Recreation Department
Check us out online at!
If you are a first-time visitor you will need to create a household account. Once the household account is created, you may then add other members of your family into one account. After the account is created, select the program/activity, the household member who you would like to register, and then pay. It’s that easy!
Mission Statement: “To provide the residents of Hermon with recreational opportunities that enrich their social, physical, and intellectual experience while they interact as a connected community. Hermon Recreation’s combined goals will be to provide gatherings that foster fitness and wellness in an atmosphere that is positive, safe, and accessible for all Hermon residents to enjoy.”
Lindsey Ouellette
Recreation Director
Office Phone: (207) 848-8014
Julie Nadeau
Before & After/ Summer Programmer
Phone: (207) 478-0297
Isaiah Marseille
Rec Athletic Director – Middle School Programmer
Office Phone: (207) 848-4075
Penobscot County Sheriff’s Department
The Town of Hermon has a shared Community Policing Program with the Penobscot County Sheriff’s Office. This agreement is based upon the Town’s desire to accomplish law enforcement needs without establishing what is known as a full-time municipal police department.
The Town of Hermon Public Safety Division consists of the following:
- Staff-Sergeant Supervisor
- Three Full-Time Deputy Sheriff’s
- Nine Part-Time Deputy Sheriff’s
All full-time Deputy Sheriffs are certified academy graduates of the Maine Criminal Justice Academy. This academy program is known as the Basic Law Enforcement Training Program. It is a demanding and challenging program consisting of 720 hours (18 weeks) of training located in Vasselboro, Maine.
All part-time Deputy Sheriffs are at a minimum, certified graduates of the Law Enforcement Pre-Service Program through the Maine Criminal Justice Academy. A majority of the current part-time Deputies working in Hermon are previous graduates of the BLETP and are certified law enforcement officers.
All town Deputies are sworn Deputy Sheriff’s through the Penobscot County Sheriff’s Office. They abide by the Policies of the Penobscot County Sheriff’s Office and the Town of Hermon. They enforce criminal and motor vehicle statues of the State of Maine, as well as town ordinances within the Town of Hermon.
Taxes & Tax Collector
The 2024 taxes will be due April 1, 2025. The tax due date will be set annually by the Hermon Town Council. All taxes paid after April 1, 2025 will accrue interest at a rate of 8.5% per year.
Hermon’s mill rate for the 2024 taxes has been set at $10.90 per $1000.00.
The town’s tax and fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.
The town only has one tax due date.
Town Clerk
Welcome to the Office of the Town Clerk
Providing services to you, Monday – Friday, 8am to 4pm.
The mission of the Town Clerk’s office is to accurately maintain all town records, conduct elections with professionalism in accordance with State Law, issue State and Town licenses, and provide information to both Municipal officials and the general public in a friendly and confidential manner.
The Department, as required by the State of Maine, is responsible for the following:
- Coordinate election administrations for the Town
- Record and maintain all vital statistics records (birth/marriage/death) for the Town
- Issuing hunting and fishing licenses
- Issuing ATV, Snowmobile and Boat registrations
- Serving as custodian of all official Town records
- Administer the town-wide dog licensing program
- Act as the Town of Hermon’s Freedom of Information Officer
- Department of Motor Vehicle Agent.
In addition, per the Town Charter and Town Ordinance requirements, the office of the Town Clerk must:
- Maintain a complete and accurate record of Town Council proceedings
- Preserve official Town records
- Provide administrative support to the Town Council
- Track all board and committee memberships and facilitate appointment process annually
- Maintain a complete and accurate record of Hermon’s 5 cemetery’s
Other Available Services:
- Town Maps
- Notary Public
- Business Licensing
- Cemetery Lot Sales