The Hermon Connection
The Hermon Connection is a bi-monthly publication the Town distributes to residents to inform them on what has been happening throughout the Hermon community. Articles are submitted from both town employees and the general public. If you have an article you’d like to submit, please send it to Every other month we will be posting the updated Connection issue on this website. Please feel free to click the links below to access our most recent publications!
If you would like to advertise in the Connection, please contact Lindsey Ouellette at 207-848-8014. To advertise, you must be a business in Hermon. The prices are $50.00 for 1/4 page and $25.00 for 1/8 page per edition. Submissions must be print ready.
Deadline dates for submission are approximately the 20th of February, April, June, August, October, and December.