State & Local Roads Map
State & Local Roads Map
The “State-Local Road Map & Index” link below shows Hermon’s local roadways and Hermon’s State aid highways. The “State aid” roads are shown in bold. If you live on one of these roadways and need service for issues in the right of way, please call Bangor MDOT at 207-941-4500.
All other local road inquiries should go to Hermon Public Works at 207-848-1010.
The State Highway System determines maintenance responsibility. The State Highway System is grouped into three categories:
- State Highways form a system of connected routes throughout the state that primarily serve intra- and interstate traffic. With the exception of compact areas, the MaineDOT has responsibility for the year-round maintenance of state highways. The State Highway category generally corresponds with the federal ‘arterial’ classification.
- State Aid Highways connect local roads to the State Highway System and generally serve intracounty rather than intrastate traffic movement. With the exception of compact areas, state aid roads are usually maintained by MaineDOT in the summer and by the municipalities in the winter pursant to State Law 23 MRSA 1003. The State Aid Highway category generally corresponds with the federal ‘collector’ classification.
- Townways are all other highways not included in the State Highway or State Aid Highway classifications that are maintained by municipalities or counties. These roads are classified as federal ‘local’ roads.